In September, Crofton began foundation rehabilitations on Structure 122, a transmission tower located on the southern Branch of the Elizabeth River. The project presents challenges that are unique for concrete foundation rehabilitation, but not foreign to Crofton rehabilitation crews. Most of the work area is below Mean High Water and extensive matting was required to gain access directly to the foundations. Project specifications require the extension of each cap from the current elevation, down to a minimum of 3’ below the existing mudline. This extension is a reinforced cast-in-place structure that adds approximately 15 yards of concrete to each foundation. In order to provide a dry workspace at each foundation, Crofton crews must first install sheet pile cofferdams around each foundation to allow for dewatering and excavations for access to install concrete forms and reinforcing steel in preparation for the placement of concrete. Upon final curing and compressive strength testing, forms are removed, concrete surface preps are completed, and the area is backfilled. To date Crofton has completed one of the four foundations and is preparing the second foundation for extension. Thank you to the crews for their continued efforts to ensure this rehabilitation is a success!